11:11 Channeled Message: Be Free!

We will not tell you what to do. We give you information so you can choose what’s right for you. There is indeed no right or wrong. There’s only learning. You choose the path you choose and you can’t possibly lose here. Trust yourself more not less. Love yourself more not less. This is your quest to be true to you and follow through with what it is that you desire to do. What do you want to create in this life? What do you want to release? How do you want to present to the owrld in this unique expression you’ve chosen? Where do you want to go in your relationship with yourself and others? What do you most want to learn? There is endless grace for you.

There is endless love for you here. Do not live your life in fear. Pick up the reigns and go. Don’t look back, just go forward and allow yourself to grow by going forward. You can always change your mind. you can always take a new path. There is much flexibility and grace for you in this realm. What a gift, you see! Endless possibility for learning and growth and to practice love that is sent ot you from above and that is you at your core. So don’t shut the door on something if you’re not ready to shut the door. Pure and simple. Take the information in and hold it in your heart, then you will start to feel into what it is you need to grow and to know the truth of what it is you’d like to know. Let it flow! It’s easy, don’t you know? Let it flow. You are here to grow and to not always know, so grow!

Pay attention to the natural flow of your life’s trajectory and don’t second guess. Just know that you can pull back or loosen the reigns at any time. You can turn on a dime. This is the divine time for you to trust yourself moment to moment. Trust the timing of your life. Trust the timing. You are not meant to live in fear. You are meant to communicate with fear and lean into it to gain wisdom. Then you take your time to be mindful about what the fear has told you and decide from there. Is it worth the risk or not? If you say yes, then go for it! If it’s a no, then honor that. Plus you can always change your mind and the moment you get clear that you cannot move forward, you take a pause, say no and trust in the new flow of your life.

Give yourself grace as you go. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. This is not a life or death situation at hand, don’t you see? Your free will is a gift that you get to utilize daily. We take this gift of free will seriously and we want you to do the same. Trust in yourself. We are here to guide but we don’t tell you what to do. Ever. You must choose what is right for you. We honor you and we do not scold you when we see you crash and burn. No, no no, we help you to brush off and continue on this journey of life that we have co-created together to be the divine expression of abundance and love from above! Yes, yes, yes this is true! You are the only one who can make these decisions for YOU! So follow through and know what it is you need to do for YOU.

Trust that, know that, feel that, love that, and grow within that flow that is you in your most magnificent expression of you.We support you in living out the highest expression of yourself in this life. We honor you and support you on your journey of healing and growth. You have written the script, picked the characters and fashioned your intricacies to be exactly what you need to carry your soul destiny through to its fruition this time around! How profound! Oh what glory and what joy! To live right here, right now in the light and love that is YOU! Keep loving you. Keep moving through the energies that no longer serve you.

Feel everything. Feel ALL emotions. Then you will grow. For resistance knows no growth. A flower cannot grow in an environment that does not nurture its truest form to burst through the earth with nutrient rich soil, moisture, and sunshine. You must feed these nourishments to your soul and the ability to FEEL your emotions is one of the most important nutrients, don’t you see? Feel everything. Feel everything. Then you will know what it means and what it’s like to live a life that is FREE from the shackles of resistance when you do not listen to the language of your soul: emotions. Emotions are the language of the soul. We keep them documented, every one, every vibration and every frequency exists in your record over time and space through the planets and galaxies and in outer space. All of your soul expressions exist here and it is clear that when you access this wisdom, you will know that there really is no fear.

All exists for you to BE love. That is it. You are here to remember how to BE love to yourself and to all beings. This is true freedom that exists beyond time and space. This is the true glory of it all. Yes, yes, yes you are exactly where you need to be on your sacred path of destiny and you are learning how to be free. So keep learning and living and making mistakes and getting back up and learning and loving and forgiving and growing and expanding and extending your soul expression into the magnitude of who, what, where, when you are. YOU are a star. Be a star and shine brightly for all to see. This is your destiny. Be free! Be free! Be FREE!!


Be True to You