Something Personal

I have been on an intentional healing journey since surviving an autoimmune blood disorder when I was 17 years old. Facing my mortality at a young age was the start of my awakening to who I am on a soul level, outside of trauma, conditioning from society, family, and other influences separate from me. Recovering from this illness gave me a second chance at life and I have been determined to live my best life ever since.

Through the years, I have sought support from therapists, mentors and a variety of teachers who hold space for physical, mental, emotional and relational healing. I am so grateful for this guidance. I recognize that the soul is unwavering and whole, however, the human experience is full of various overwhelming experiences, which leave imprints on the psyche and the physical body. 

Life has become what I experience as a series of energetic expansions and contractions. Expanded states involve awakening more to my soul gifts while feeling the vastness of the intelligent universe that is always holding me with love, believing in me, and never letting go. These moments are cherished and I often receive inspiration and clarity.

Energetic contractions call for the practice of welcoming and feeling all emotions, including the painful ones without judgment, releasing held beliefs, thoughts and relational dynamics that no longer serve me, and choosing to come back home to the safety and peace that exists in my body. This involves grounding deeply into the earth and the full human experience. I have found that the practice of embodiment allows me to reach further outward and upward to receive clear guidance from Spirit while finding security within my physical body. 

When it comes to being human, maybe it’s not arriving at a place where you have “found happiness.” Maybe it’s more about welcoming the expansions and contractions and arriving continuously back at home, in the security of your own heart, knowing that the pain will pass and that it’s all here to teach you, to expand your awareness, and to help you to evolve.


Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

